
McGhee Sports Center

LOCATION: 3800 College Ave.
                     Conway, AR

This is a new skate park. The following information comes from Eddie Williams. The park is an outside park surrounded by a chain link fence. All of the ramps are made out of metal, even the structure pieces. The park consist of a 5' tall x approx 24' wide mini half-pipe w/ roll in extension; off the back side of the platform of the mini half is a wege with two grind rails. There is also a pyramid with grind rail, a 3' tall box jump, 4' tall spine ramp, 5' x 24' quater-pipe, a kinked grind box and two kinked grind rails. There are bleachers outside the fence for people to sit on to watch the riding. NO ONE is allowed in the park without a helmet on, not even to watch or take pictures. No radios are allowed. They are planning  later on to add a snack/drink stand. The park is well put together, the transitions are slow enough for bikes and are smooth. HOWEVER, the way I understand it; the city of Conway is not a thriving area of BMX freestyle (if I'm wrong someone please email me); so they are not too biker friendly. So, in the end, bmxers are getting the raw end of the deal with this skatepark.
RULES: The park is open 8:30am - 8:30pm. Helmets are required. Sunday hours are 10:30am - 6pm. Bikes are only allowed at the park on Sundays. The good thing about this is that bikes ONLY are allowed on Sundays, no worries of the park getting crowded by boards/blades. This is a temporary schedule till the city can see how the park is doing.

diagram of Conway Park by Jason L. Weatherly
1. kinked grind box
2. grind rails
3. 5ft x 24ft (approx) mini quater-pipe
4. pyramid with grind rail
5. 3ft tall jump box
6. 4ft tall spine ramp
7. 5ft x 24ft (approx) mini half-pipe with grind box on one platform; roll-in extension on other platform with wedge ramp off the back of platform with grind rails.

kinked grind box, rails & 1/4 pipe in background.                spine, jumpbox & pyramid with grind rail

backside of 5ft 1/2 pipe                                                         5ft 1/2 pipe with roll-in sub box

Notice Bikes only on Sunday, bummer